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The CCPA vs. the GDPR comparison

December 19, 2019

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Both the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aim to protect individuals’ privacy rights, but there are some key differences between the two. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the important distinctions between the CCPA vs. the GDPR.

Core Concepts

Only in the GDPR

  • Restrictions on how and why businesses can process personal data
  • Additional protections for Sensitive Personal Data
  • Privacy by design and privacy by default requirements
  • Opt-in consent as a legal basis of processing

Only in the CCPA

  • Personal information includes data about devices and households
  • Right to Object/Opt-Out only covers the sale of personal information (narrower than GDPR Right to Object)
  • Access rights are broader

CCPA vs. GDPR terminology

In addition to differences in their core concepts, the CCPA and GDPR have variances in terminology.

Consumer (CCPA) vs. data subject (GDPR)

Under the CCPA, a consumer is a natural person who must be a California resident. According to the GDPR, a data subject is any identified or identifiable natural person, that is, a person who can be identified directly or indirectly.  In contrast to the CCPA’s residency requirements, a data subject under the GDPR does not necessarily need to be an EU citizen or resident.

The GDPR applies outside of the EU when a company sells products or services to individuals inside the EU or when individuals are targeted or monitored. It covers “processing” of personal data, defined to include any operation performed on personal data, including collection.

How is personal information defined by the CCPA vs the GDPR?

Personal information (CCPA)

The CCPA broadly defines personal information (PI) as information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a consumer or household.

Personal data (GDPR)

The GDPR defines personal data as any information relating to an identified or identifiable person, by reference to an identifier. In fact, an individual can be both a consumer and a data subject if an EU-established company processes personal data of California residents.

Business (CCPA)

The CCPA classifies the following as a business:

  • A for-profit organization (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, association, or other legal entity)
  • That collects consumers’ personal information (online or offline)
  • Determines the purpose and means of the processing
  • Does business in the State of California
  • Plus one or more of the following:
  • Has annual gross revenues in excess of $25 million
  • Alone or in combination, annually buys, receives for the business’ commercial purposes, sells, or shares for commercial purposes, the personal information of 50,000 or more consumers, households, or devices.
  • Derives 50 percent or more of its annual revenues from selling consumers’ personal information.

Controller/processor (GDPR)

The GDPR defines the controller the organization that determines the purposes and means of the processing.  The GDPR applies under the following circumstances:

  • Where the controller or its processor is established in the EU, or
  • The processing personal data of EU residents by a non-EU controller or processor, where it relates to:
  • offering of goods or services, or
  • monitoring of EU residents’ behavior (insofar as the behavior takes place in the EU); or
  • Processing of personal data by a controller not established in the EU, but in a place where Member State law applies by virtue of public international law (i.e., an EU Member State embassy)

Right to opt-out vs. the right to object and the right to withdraw consent

Under the CCPA, the Right to Opt-Out means:

  • At any time, consumers can request a business to stop selling their personal information to third parties
  • Business must wait 12 months to ask a consumer to opt back into the sale of personal information
  • Businesses that sell personal information must post a link on their homepages that says “Do Not Sell My Personal Inform” so consumers can know about and exercise their opt-out rights

Under the GDPR, the Right to Object means:

  • The data subject’s right to object to processing “on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time”
  • The scope includes processing based on legitimate interests, based on performance of task in public interest/exercise of official authority and research purposes

Under the GDPR, the Right to Withdraw Consent means that:

  • At any time, the data subject can withdraw consent when the legal basis of processing was based on consent
  • Withdrawal must be as easy as it was to give consent

How can businesses legally collect and use personal data?

CCPA compliance

The CCPA does not explicitly list legal grounds that businesses must rely upon to collect and use personal information. However, individuals have the right to opt-out of the sale after collection and can instruct businesses to stop selling their personal information.

Under the CCPA, there are several instances where businesses are required to collect the consent of the consumer. These include where the consumer is entering into a scheme that offers financial incentives based on the personal information provided. The CCPA allows businesses to sell minors’ data on the basis of valid consent, but consent is not required for the collection of the information.

GDPR compliance

The GDPR sets out 6 legal bases under Article 6 that organizations can rely upon to lawfully collect and use personal data. Processing personal data is considered lawful under the GDPR if at least one of the following applies:

  • The data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract
  • Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject
  • Processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller
  • Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child

CCPA vs GDPR: Enforcement & penalties

What is a violation under CCPA?

The CCPA outlines monetary penalties for unintentional and intentional violations. These range from $2500 per unintentional violation to $7500 per intentional violation with no maximum penalty outlined by the law. Violations of the CCPA are assessed and penalties recovered through civil action brought by the California Attorney General and issued in court.

On March 17, 2021, the establishment of the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) was announced. The board will oversee, implement, and enforce the CCPA and the CPRA, a role previously fulfilled by the California Attorney General.

What are the types of GDPR breaches?

Breaches of the GDPR’s provisions are typically bucketed into two categories each with different levels of monetary penalty attached. Depending on the nature, gravity, and duration of the infringement, the penalty for non-compliance with the GDPR may be up to either:

  • 2% of global annual turnover or €10 million, whichever is higher; or
  • 4% of global annual turnover or €20 million, whichever is higher.

In general, the lower penalty amount is issued for breaches of controller or processor obligations. Breaches of data subjects’ rights and the GDPR’s data protection principles will result in fines from the higher tier being issued.

How OneTrust helps you comply with the CCPA and GDPR

OneTrust is a compliance management solution that helps organizations of all sizes simplify time to CCPA and GDPR compliance through start-to-finish privacy program automation.

Both the GDPR and the CCPA grant individuals rights that enable them to protect their privacy. Regardless of where you are in your privacy program, it’s never too late to start preparing for the CCPA. For more information on our CCPA Same Day Fast Track Implementation Program or to request a live OneTrust for CCPA software demo, visit or email

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Free CCPA App | OneTrust

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Privacy & Data Governance

MSX International

See how the InfoSec & Compliance team at MSX International leverages OneTrust as a key component of its compliance and security ecosystem. 

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

Self Esteem Brands

See how wellness organization Self Esteem Brands leverages the OneTrust solutions to support vendor risk management and assessment automation.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance


Learn why LimaCorporate chooses the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to support GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA compliance for their business.

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Customer Story

Consent & Preferences

Progress Software

See how Progress Software uses OneTrust Consent and Preferences and A/B testing solutions to streamline their process and increase opt-in rates. 

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Customer Story

GRC & Security Assurance


See how ORTEC tackles regulatory gaps, engages the business to keep risk data current, and takes an automated approach audit management with OneTrust.

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Customer Story

Consent & Preferences


See how a partnership betweenOneTrust and global cybersecurity leader Wipro helped an American retail chain become CCPA compliant.

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Customer Story

Privacy Management

Air Canada

Air Canada enhance their privacy program with OneTrust DataGuidance

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance


Learn how ResMed creates a healthy global privacy program and stays up to date with new regulations with OneTrust privacy management software.

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Customer Story

Consent & Preferences


See how MillerKnoll uses the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to make their customer-centric privacy program a competitive differentiator.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance


Learn how ClearDATA leveraged OneTrust Data Mapping Automation and PIA & DPIA Automation for global privacy compliance efforts.

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Customer Story

Consent & Preferences


See how MillerKnoll uses the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to make their customer-centric privacy program a competitive differentiator.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

Privacy Program Management, Copenhagen

Learn how consulting firm Privacy Program Management Copenhagen leverages OneTrust DataGuidance Research for credible privacy information.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance


Learn how OneTrust and Red Clover Advisors partnered to streamline the a360media privacy program and help them maintain GDPR compliance.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

Grant Thornton LLP

Learn how Grant Thornton LLP implemented OneTrust solutions to build a robust technology-based privacy program for their customers.

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Customer Story

Consent & Preferences

VFS Global

Learn how visa outsourcing service agency VFS Global leverages the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to unify privacy across its global network.

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Customer Story

Consent & Preferences

Yum! Brands

See how Fortune 500 company Yum! Brands achieved global privacy success by leveraging the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

Match Group

Learn how Match Group found a winning formula for their global privacy program through the personalization, integration, and automation of OneTrust privacy management software.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

Bitsight Security Ratings

For one Fortune 500 automotive aftermarket retailer, the OneTrust Vendorpedia and BitSight Security Ratings integration was the right combination to support their 2,500+ vendor landscape and a growing list of third-party risk management challenges.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance


Learn how Protiviti uses the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to support compliance with global privacy regulations.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

GVC Group

See how GVC uses OneTrust privacy management software to maintain and manage CCPA and GDPR regulatory compliance.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

MiTek Industries

Learn how MiTek Industries centralized their global privacy management program with the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

MSX International

See how the InfoSec & Compliance team at MSX International leverages OneTrust as a key component of its compliance and security ecosystem. 

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance

Self Esteem Brands

See how wellness organization Self Esteem Brands leverages the OneTrust solutions to support vendor risk management and assessment automation.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance


Learn how ClearDATA leveraged OneTrust Data Mapping Automation and PIA & DPIA Automation for global privacy compliance efforts.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance


Learn why LimaCorporate chooses the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to support GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA compliance for their business.

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Customer Story

Consent & Preferences

Progress Software

See how Progress Software uses OneTrust Consent and Preferences and A/B testing solutions to streamline their process and increase opt-in rates. 

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Customer Story

GRC & Security Assurance


See how ORTEC tackles regulatory gaps, engages the business to keep risk data current, and takes an automated approach audit management with OneTrust.

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Customer Story

Consent & Preferences


See how a partnership betweenOneTrust and global cybersecurity leader Wipro helped an American retail chain become CCPA compliant.

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Customer Story

Privacy & Data Governance


Learn how ResMed creates a healthy global privacy program and stays up to date with new regulations with OneTrust privacy management software.

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Consentimiento de cookies | Solicitar demostración | OneTrust

Solicita una demostración del módulo Consentimiento de cookies de OneTrust y aprende cómo bloquear las cookies en cuestión de minutos con nuestra tecnología de cookies fácil de usar.

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Consentement aux cookies | Demander une démo | OneTrust

Demandez une démonstration de la solution de consentement aux cookies OneTrust et découvrez comment bloquer les cookies en quelques minutes grâce à notre technologie ultra simplifiée.

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Cookie Consent | Demo anfordern | OneTrust

Fordern Sie eine Demo von OneTrust Cookie Consent an und erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit unserer stark vereinfachten Cookie-Technologie Cookies in wenigen Minuten blockieren können.

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Consentimento de Cookies | Solicitar Demonstração | OneTrust

Solicite uma demonstração da solução de Consentimento de Cookies OneTrust e veja como bloquear cookies em poucos minutos com nossa tecnologia extremamente simples.

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Consenso all'uso dei cookie | Richiedi una demo | OneTrust

Richiedi una demo del Consenso all'uso dei cookie OneTrust e scopri come bloccare i cookie in pochi minuti con la nostra tecnologia estremamente semplificata.

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Consenso all'uso dei cookie | Richiedi una demo | OneTrust

Richiedi una demo del Consenso all'uso dei cookie OneTrust e scopri come bloccare i cookie in pochi minuti con la nostra tecnologia estremamente semplificata.

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Cookie Consent | Demo anfordern | OneTrust

Fordern Sie eine Demo von OneTrust Cookie Consent an und erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit unserer stark vereinfachten Cookie-Technologie Cookies in wenigen Minuten blockieren können.

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Consentimento de Cookies | Solicitar Demonstração | OneTrust

Solicite uma demonstração da solução de Consentimento de Cookies OneTrust e veja como bloquear cookies em poucos minutos com nossa tecnologia extremamente simples.

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Témoignage client

Privacy & Data Governance


Découvrez comment Protiviti utilise le cloud Privacy and Data Governance de OneTrust pour accompagner la conformité aux réglementations mondiales sur la protection de la vie privée.

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Témoignage client

Privacy & Data Governance


Découvrez comment Protiviti utilise le cloud Privacy and Data Governance de OneTrust pour accompagner la conformité aux réglementations mondiales sur la protection de la vie privée.

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Air Canada

Air Canada erweitert sein Datenschutzprogramm mit OneTrust DataGuidance

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Air Canada

Air Canada erweitert sein Datenschutzprogramm mit OneTrust DataGuidance

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Consentimiento de cookies | Solicitar demostración | OneTrust

Solicita una demostración del módulo Consentimiento de cookies de OneTrust y aprende cómo bloquear las cookies en cuestión de minutos con nuestra tecnología de cookies fácil de usar.

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Storia del cliente

Privacy e governance dei dati


Scopri come Protiviti sfrutta il Cloud OneTrust per la privacy e la governance dei dati per aderire alle normative sulla privacy a livello mondiale.

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Storia del cliente

Privacy e governance dei dati


Scopri come Protiviti sfrutta il Cloud OneTrust per la privacy e la governance dei dati per aderire alle normative sulla privacy a livello mondiale.

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