Third-party risk management (TPRM) is a form of risk management that focuses on identifying and reducing risks relating to the use of third parties (sometimes referred to as vendors, suppliers, partners, contractors, or service providers).
The discipline is designed to give organizations an understanding of the third parties they use, how they use them, and what safeguards their third parties have in place. The scope and requirements of a TPRM program are dependent on the organization and can vary widely depending on industry, regulatory guidance, and other factors. Still, many TPRM best practices are universal and applicable to every business or organization.
While exact definitions may vary, the term “third-party risk management” is sometimes used interchangeably with other common industry terms, such as vendor risk management (VRM), vendor management, supplier risk management, or supply chain risk management. However, TPRM is often thought of as the overarching discipline that encompasses all types of third parties and all types of risks.
While third-party risk isn’t a new concept, upticks in breaches across industries and a greater reliance on outsourcing have brought the discipline into the forefront like never before. Disruptive events, have impacted almost every business and their third parties – no matter the size, location, or industry. In addition, data breaches or cyber security incidents are common. In in 2021, the impact that third parties have on business resilience was highlighted through outages and other third-party incidents. Some of the ways you can be impacted are:
Most modern organizations rely on third parties to keep operations running smoothly. So, when your third parties, vendors, or suppliers can’t deliver, there can be devastating and long-lasting impacts.
For example, you may rely on a service provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host a website or cloud application. Should AWS go offline, your website or application also goes offline. An additional example could be the reliance on a third party to ship goods. If the shipping company’s drivers go on strike, that can delay expected delivery times and lead to customer cancellations and distrust, which will negatively impact your organization’s bottom line and reputation.
Outsourcing is a necessary component of running a modern business. It not only saves a business money, but it’s a simple way to take advantage of expertise that an organization might not have in house. The downside is that if a proper TPRM program is not in place, relying on third parties can leave your business vulnerable.
There are endless TPRM best practices that can help you build a better program, regardless of whether you’re just beginning to make TPRM a priority, or you want to understand where your existing program could be improved. We’ve outlined what we believe are the 3 most critical best practices that are applicable to nearly every company.
Not all vendors are equally important, which is why it is critical to determine which third parties matter most. To improve efficiency in your TPRM program, segment your vendors into criticality tiers.
Most companies segment vendors into three groups:
In practice, organizations will focus their time and resources on tier 1 vendors first, as they require more stringent due diligence and evidence collection. Typically, tier 1 vendors are subject to the most in-depth assessments, which often includes on-site assessment validation.
Many times, especially during initial evaluation, these tiers are calculated based on the inherent risk of the third party. Inherent risk scores are generated based on industry benchmarks or basic business context, such as whether or not you will be:
Additionally, impact of the vendor can be a determining factor. If a third party can’t deliver their service, how would that impact your operations? When there is significant disruption, the risk of the vendor will inevitably be higher. Determine this impact by considering:
Another way to tier vendors is by grouping based on contract value. Big-budget vendors may automatically be segmented as a tier 1 vendor due to the high risk based solely on the value of the contract.
Efficiencies emerge when operations are consistent and repeatable. There are a number of areas in the TPRM lifecycle where automation is ideal. These areas include, but are not limited to:
Every TPRM program is different, so start by looking internally at the repeatable processes that are ripe for automation. From there, start small and take practical steps to automate key tasks. Over time, these small automations will compound, saving your team valuable time, money, and resources.
When considering a third-party risk or vendor risk management program, many organizations immediately think about cybersecurity risks. But TPRM entails so much more. While starting small and focusing only on cybersecurity risks is a good first step, there are other types of risks that need to be prioritized. These risks include:
The key takeaway here is that understanding all relevant types of risk (and not just cybersecurity) is imperative to building a world-class TPRM program.
The third-party risk management lifecycle is a series of steps that outlines a typical relationship with a third party. TPRM is sometimes referred to as “third-party relationship management.” This term better articulates the ongoing nature of vendor engagements. Typically, the TPRM lifecycle, is broken down into several stages. These stages include:
There are many ways to identify the third parties your organization is currently working with, as well as ways to identify new third parties your organization wants to use.
To identify vendors already in use and build a vendor inventory, organizations take multiple approaches, which include:
To identify new third parties, organizations will often leverage a self-service portal as part of their third-party risk management program. With a self-service portal, business owners can build their inventory. Share the portal with your business by linking to it from your intranet or SharePoint. Self-service portals also help gather preliminary information about the third party, such as:
Using this information, you can classify third parties based on the inherent risk that they pose to your organization.
During the evaluation and selection phase, organizations consider RFPs and choose the vendor they want to use. This decision is made using a number of factors that are unique to the business and its specific needs.
Vendor risk assessments take time and are resource-intensive, which is why many organizations are using a third-party risk exchange to access pre-completed assessments. Other common methods include using spreadsheets or assessment automation software. Either way, the primary goal of understanding the risks associated with the vendor is the same.
Common standards used for assessing vendors include:
As well as industry-specific standards, such as:
After conducting an assessment, risks can be calculated, and mitigation can begin. Common risk mitigation workflows include the following stages:
Sometimes done in parallel with risk mitigation, the contracting and procurement stage is critical from a third-party risk perspective. Contracts often contain details that fall outside the realm of TPRM. Still, there are key provisions, clauses, and terms that TPRM teams should look out for when reviewing vendor contracts.
Some of these include:
Home in on these key terms to report on requirements in a structured format. Simply determine if key clauses are adequate, inadequate, or missing.
Building a strong TPRM program requires organizations to maintain compliance. This step is often overlooked. Maintaining detailed records in spreadsheets is nearly impossible at scale, which is why many organizations implement TPRM software. With auditable recordkeeping in place, it becomes much easier to report on critical aspects of your program to identify areas for improvement.
In practice, a sample reporting dashboard may include:
An assessment is a “moment-in-time” look into a vendor’s risks; however, engagements with third parties do not end there – or even after risk mitigation. Ongoing vendor monitoring throughout the life of a third-party relationship is critical, as is adapting when new issues arise.
For example, new regulations, negative news stories, high-profile data breaches, and evolving usage of a vendor, may all impact the risks associated with your third parties. Some key risk-changing events to monitor include:
A thorough offboarding procedure is critical, both for security purposes and recordkeeping requirements. Many organizations have developed an offboarding checklist for vendors, which can consist of both an assessment sent internally and externally to confirm that all appropriate measures were taken. Critical too is the ability to maintain detailed evidence trail of these activities to demonstrate compliance in the event of regulatory inquiry or audit.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to third-party risk management. All companies are different, and as a result, there is no set-in-stone department that owns vendor risk responsibilities. Some mature organizations may have a third-party risk or vendor management team, but many organizations do not. As a result, common job titles and departments that “own” third-party risk include:
The list above is by no means comprehensive; however, the diverse variety of titles and departments can shed some light on the diverse approaches taken to third-party risk management.
Ultimately, these stakeholders and departments must work together to manage vendors throughout the third-party lifecycle. As such, TPRM often extends into many departments and across many different roles.
With third-party management software, your organization can develop and scale a successful TPRM management program that adds value to your bottom line. The return on investment (ROI) is significant when leveraging the automation opportunities that purpose-built software provides. The biggest benefits include:
“The OneTrust platform leverages expertise in Tech Risk & Compliance, specializing in Third-Party Management, Privacy Automation, Incident Management, and many other categories to deliver an immersive security and privacy management experience. Reduce your vendor, supplier, and third-party risks with OneTrust Third-Party Management software. The software enables you to run compliance checks and screen vendors. Additionally, our software empowers organizations to conduct vendor risk assessments and mitigate risks through highly customizable workflow automation. The OneTrust Third-Party Risk Exchange enables businesses to access risk analytics and control gap reports on vendors, and provides vendors with an opportunity to centralize their compliance details and promote them to thousands of OneTrust customers to easily share.”
Join this webinar to discover how AI-powered automation enhances third-party risk management. Learn best practices for vendor risk assessment, due diligence, and compliance.
Join this webinar to discover how AI-powered automation enhances third-party risk management. Learn best practices for vendor risk assessment, due diligence, and compliance.
Join our webinar to explore actionable strategies powered by OneTrust solutions to foster collaboration across privacy and TPRM stakeholders to better support your organizations.
Join our webinar to explore actionable strategies powered by OneTrust solutions to foster collaboration across privacy and TPRM stakeholders to better support your organizations.
Join our expert panel to explore DORA compliance post-deadline. Learn key lessons, risk challenges, and best practices for operational resilience.
Join our expert panel to explore DORA compliance post-deadline. Learn key lessons, risk challenges, and best practices for operational resilience.
Partecipa al nostro webinar per scoprire come la soluzione TPRM di OneTrust può rivoluzionare il tuo approccio alla gestione del rischio terze parti.
Partecipa al nostro webinar per scoprire come la soluzione TPRM di OneTrust può rivoluzionare il tuo approccio alla gestione del rischio terze parti.
Your business relies heavily on external organizations to help drive success, which means a strong third-party risk management process is an operational requirement.
Your business relies heavily on external organizations to help drive success, which means a strong third-party risk management process is an operational requirement.
Quel est l’impact de la réglementation NIS2 élargie sur la cybersécurité dans l’UE et quelles sont les conséquences pour les entreprises ?
Quel est l’impact de la réglementation NIS2 élargie sur la cybersécurité dans l’UE et quelles sont les conséquences pour les entreprises ?
Wie Sie ein Programm zum Management von Drittparteienrisiken starten: Leistung im Blick behalten und kontinuierlich optimieren
Welche Rolle spielen Drittanbieter bei Ihren Datenschutzbemühungen? Erfahren Sie, wie sich beide Bereiche überschneiden und wie Sie Ihre Daten in Ihrer gesamten Lieferkette schützen können.
Wie Sie ein Programm zum Management von Drittparteienrisiken starten: Leistung im Blick behalten und kontinuierlich optimieren
Welche Rolle spielen Drittanbieter bei Ihren Datenschutzbemühungen? Erfahren Sie, wie sich beide Bereiche überschneiden und wie Sie Ihre Daten in Ihrer gesamten Lieferkette schützen können.
In che modo l'espansione delle normative influisce sulla sicurezza informatica nell'UE e cosa significa per le aziende?
In che modo l'espansione delle normative influisce sulla sicurezza informatica nell'UE e cosa significa per le aziende?
Partecipa al nostro webinar sul Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), ora attivo da oltre un mese.
Partecipa al nostro webinar sul Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), ora attivo da oltre un mese.
Sharing information and resources across organizational silos is mutually beneficial for teams with the common goal of mitigating data privacy risk
Sharing information and resources across organizational silos is mutually beneficial for teams with the common goal of mitigating data privacy risk
Scarica questo eBook per esplorare la gestione delle terze parti in diversi settori e scoprire le considerazioni più importanti prima di implementare questo approccio nella tua organizzazione.
Scarica questo eBook per esplorare la gestione delle terze parti in diversi settori e scoprire le considerazioni più importanti prima di implementare questo approccio nella tua organizzazione.
Découvrez notre check-list en six étapes pour un programme de gestion des risques tiers solide.
La loi Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) est la première réglementation à contrôler les fonctions de sécurité des entités financières dans l’Union Européenne. Découvrez notre check-list pour assurer votre mise en conformité !
Découvrez notre check-list en six étapes pour un programme de gestion des risques tiers solide.
La loi Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) est la première réglementation à contrôler les fonctions de sécurité des entités financières dans l’Union Européenne. Découvrez notre check-list pour assurer votre mise en conformité !
La valutazione del rischio terze parti per quanto riguarda i vendor di intelligenza artificiale è di fondamentale importanza per la governance dell'IA, ma non è necessario iniziare questo processo da zero. Scopri di più su come adottare un approccio globale alle valutazioni dei vendor di intelligenza artificiale.
La valutazione del rischio terze parti per quanto riguarda i vendor di intelligenza artificiale è di fondamentale importanza per la governance dell'IA, ma non è necessario iniziare questo processo da zero. Scopri di più su come adottare un approccio globale alle valutazioni dei vendor di intelligenza artificiale.
Lista di controllo
Scopri il percorso relativo alla gestione efficace dei rischi terze parti grazie a una lista di controllo che delinea le sei fasi di un solido programma TPRM.
Lista di controllo
Scopri il percorso relativo alla gestione efficace dei rischi terze parti grazie a una lista di controllo che delinea le sei fasi di un solido programma TPRM.
OneTrust semplifica la gestione delle terze parti, offrendo controllo e visibilità sul loro intero ciclo di vita.
OneTrust semplifica la gestione delle terze parti, offrendo controllo e visibilità sul loro intero ciclo di vita.
Lista di controllo
Il regolamento sulla resilienza operativa digitale (Digital Operational Resilience Act, DORA) è il primo regolamento redatto per supervisionare la sicurezza delle entità finanziarie in tutta l'Unione europea.
Lista di controllo
Il regolamento sulla resilienza operativa digitale (Digital Operational Resilience Act, DORA) è il primo regolamento redatto per supervisionare la sicurezza delle entità finanziarie in tutta l'Unione europea.
Quale ruolo svolgono le terze parti nel tuo impegno a rispettare le normative sulla protezione della privacy? Scopri il modo in cui queste due aspetti coincidono e come garantire la sicurezza dei dati lungo tutta la catena di fornitura.
Quale ruolo svolgono le terze parti nel tuo impegno a rispettare le normative sulla protezione della privacy? Scopri il modo in cui queste due aspetti coincidono e come garantire la sicurezza dei dati lungo tutta la catena di fornitura.
For financial institutions in Australia, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s (APRA) CPS 230 standard is a clarion call to fortify cyber resilience.
For financial institutions in Australia, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s (APRA) CPS 230 standard is a clarion call to fortify cyber resilience.
Register for our live demo webinar to see how OneTrust Third-Party Management can revolutionize your third-party risk management approach.
Scarica il report di Verdantix per scoprire l'importanza della resilienza operativa per la tua azienda e perché OneTrust è stata nominata leader nel settore.
Scarica il report di Verdantix per scoprire l'importanza della resilienza operativa per la tua azienda e perché OneTrust è stata nominata leader nel settore.
Se da un lato l'intelligenza artificiale continua a offrire opportunità impareggiabili per l'innovazione aziendale, dall'altro presenta anche rischi che le organizzazioni devono affrontare con decisione attraverso programmi di governance scalabili che abbraccino più origini dati. Sei tendenze principali stanno determinando queste sfide.
Se da un lato l'intelligenza artificiale continua a offrire opportunità impareggiabili per l'innovazione aziendale, dall'altro presenta anche rischi che le organizzazioni devono affrontare con decisione attraverso programmi di governance scalabili che abbraccino più origini dati. Sei tendenze principali stanno determinando queste sfide.
Semplifica le relazioni con le terze parti ed evita errori comuni.
Semplifica le relazioni con le terze parti ed evita errori comuni.
Join us to learn more about the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and how OneTrust can help organizations research, implement, and monitor compliance at scale with DORA and other related regulations and standards like NIS2 and ISO.
The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is the first regulation to oversee the security functions of financial entities across the European Union.
Join us to learn more about the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and how OneTrust can help organizations research, implement, and monitor compliance at scale with DORA and other related regulations and standards like NIS2 and ISO.
The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is the first regulation to oversee the security functions of financial entities across the European Union.
Seminario web
¿Te resulta difícil mantenerte a la vanguardia en el siempre cambiante panorama de la gestión de riesgos de terceros (TPRM)? ¿Te gustaría automatizar tareas tediosas, ahorrar tiempo y reducir costes, todo mientras mejoras tu programa de TPRM? No estás solo. En el entorno empresarial actual, gestionar el riesgo de terceros es más crítico que nunca. Con tantas herramientas y procesos disponibles, saber por dónde empezar puede ser abrumador.
Seminario web
¿Te resulta difícil mantenerte a la vanguardia en el siempre cambiante panorama de la gestión de riesgos de terceros (TPRM)? ¿Te gustaría automatizar tareas tediosas, ahorrar tiempo y reducir costes, todo mientras mejoras tu programa de TPRM? No estás solo. En el entorno empresarial actual, gestionar el riesgo de terceros es más crítico que nunca. Con tantas herramientas y procesos disponibles, saber por dónde empezar puede ser abrumador.
Learn about Australia's CPS 230, it's effects on cybersecurity in financial institutions, and recommendations on how business leaders can address compliance and third-party risk.
Learn about Australia's CPS 230, it's effects on cybersecurity in financial institutions, and recommendations on how business leaders can address compliance and third-party risk.
Join us for a virtual Lunch & Learn session and explore how OneTrust’s Third Party Management solution can streamline your risk management processes.
Join us for a virtual Lunch & Learn session and explore how OneTrust’s Third Party Management solution can streamline your risk management processes.
With this webinar, you'll learn how to tackle the complexities of Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM). Explore real-world incidents, widespread challenges, regulatory expectations, and the key components of a robust TPRM framework.
With this webinar, you'll learn how to tackle the complexities of Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM). Explore real-world incidents, widespread challenges, regulatory expectations, and the key components of a robust TPRM framework.
Join our Saudi Arabia PDPL webinar for an overview on the data protection law, its requirements, and how to prepare for full enforcement.
Join our Saudi Arabia PDPL webinar for an overview on the data protection law, its requirements, and how to prepare for full enforcement.
Register for this OneTrust webinar to learn about the relevant resilience focused requirements of DORA, NIS 2, and other global regulations.
Register for this OneTrust webinar to learn about the relevant resilience focused requirements of DORA, NIS 2, and other global regulations.
Download this Verdantix report to learn the importance of operational resilience for your business and why OneTrust was named a leader in the space.
Download this Verdantix report to learn the importance of operational resilience for your business and why OneTrust was named a leader in the space.
This DataGuidance webinar explores the latest and expected developments in the implementation of the NIS 2 Directive, focusing on practical compliance strategies to ensure your organization is prepared.
This DataGuidance webinar explores the latest and expected developments in the implementation of the NIS 2 Directive, focusing on practical compliance strategies to ensure your organization is prepared.
How does expanded regulation impact cybersecurity in the EU and what will it mean for businesses?
How does expanded regulation impact cybersecurity in the EU and what will it mean for businesses?
¿Cómo afecta la ampliación de la normativa a la ciberseguridad en la UE y qué significará esto para las empresas?
¿Cómo afecta la ampliación de la normativa a la ciberseguridad en la UE y qué significará esto para las empresas?
Seminario web
Acompáñanos en esta sesión dónde repasaremos los principales requisitos de la normativa NIS2 y su impacto. Además, podrás asistir a una demostración práctica y conocer cómo OneTrust te ayuda a resolver los retos de gobernanza, gestión de riesgos y terceros, gestión de incidentes y cumplimiento asociados a la normativa.
Seminario web
Acompáñanos en esta sesión dónde repasaremos los principales requisitos de la normativa NIS2 y su impacto. Además, podrás asistir a una demostración práctica y conocer cómo OneTrust te ayuda a resolver los retos de gobernanza, gestión de riesgos y terceros, gestión de incidentes y cumplimiento asociados a la normativa.
This infographic gives an overview on how third-party management affects technology, growing threats, and how OneTrust Third-Party Management can help combat them.
This infographic gives an overview on how third-party management affects technology, growing threats, and how OneTrust Third-Party Management can help combat them.
Evento presencial
Pensamos que este é um ótimo momento para estarmos com vocês e, por isso, estamos muito felizes em anunciar a 1ª edição do OneTrust Day Portugal, um evento exclusivo para todo o país, onde vamos falar sobre os temas mais atuais e relevantes no mundo da Privacidade, Inteligência Artificial, Consentimento e Preferências e Gestão de Riscos de Terceiros.
Evento presencial
Pensamos que este é um ótimo momento para estarmos com vocês e, por isso, estamos muito felizes em anunciar a 1ª edição do OneTrust Day Portugal, um evento exclusivo para todo o país, onde vamos falar sobre os temas mais atuais e relevantes no mundo da Privacidade, Inteligência Artificial, Consentimento e Preferências e Gestão de Riscos de Terceiros.
Join for a live demo of new features from OneTrust’s Fall release and understand how OneTrust Third-Party Management can revolutionize your third-party risk management approach.
Join for a live demo of new features from OneTrust’s Fall release and understand how OneTrust Third-Party Management can revolutionize your third-party risk management approach.
Aunque la IA continúa ofreciendo oportunidades inigualables para la innovación empresarial, también presenta riesgos de los que las organizaciones deben ocuparse de manera proactiva a través de programas de gobernanza escalables que abarquen múltiples fuentes de datos. Hay seis tendencias clave que definen estos desafíos.
Aunque la IA continúa ofreciendo oportunidades inigualables para la innovación empresarial, también presenta riesgos de los que las organizaciones deben ocuparse de manera proactiva a través de programas de gobernanza escalables que abarquen múltiples fuentes de datos. Hay seis tendencias clave que definen estos desafíos.
As AI continues to offer unparalleled opportunities for business innovation, it also presents risks that organizations must tackle head-on through scalable governance programs that span multiple data sources. Six key trends are defining these challenges.
In this webinar, our experts will discuss the Canadian regulation and others like it globally, while providing actionable insights into building a robust and mature Third-party program.
In this webinar, our experts will discuss the Canadian regulation and others like it globally, while providing actionable insights into building a robust and mature Third-party program.
Join our OneTrust webinar on tackling IT security risks for banks in South Africa. Explore strategies for safeguarding sensitive data, ensuring POPIA compliance, and managing cyber threats. Gain actionable insights to strengthen your security posture and build customer trust.
Join our OneTrust webinar on tackling IT security risks for banks in South Africa. Explore strategies for safeguarding sensitive data, ensuring POPIA compliance, and managing cyber threats. Gain actionable insights to strengthen your security posture and build customer trust.
Join our upcoming product release webinar to explore how these new capabilities can help your organization navigate complex frameworks, streamline third-party management, and accelerate AI and data innovation.
Join our upcoming product release webinar to explore how these new capabilities can help your organization navigate complex frameworks, streamline third-party management, and accelerate AI and data innovation.
Join to explore how OneTrust's TPRM solution can revolutionize your third-party risk management approach. We will cover best practices for implementing and leveraging the software to minimize risks.
Join to explore how OneTrust's TPRM solution can revolutionize your third-party risk management approach. We will cover best practices for implementing and leveraging the software to minimize risks.
Streamline third-party relationships and avoid common mistakes in the process.
Streamline third-party relationships and avoid common mistakes in the process.
Libro electrónico
Simplifica las relaciones con terceros y evita los errores más comunes en el proceso.
Libro electrónico
Simplifica las relaciones con terceros y evita los errores más comunes en el proceso.
Third-party management doesn’t have to be a complicated process for your business.
Third-party management doesn’t have to be a complicated process for your business.
Working with third parties introduces privacy and security risks, making compliance and business growth a balancing act.
Working with third parties introduces privacy and security risks, making compliance and business growth a balancing act.
Third-party management keeps manufacturing operations running smoothly by verifying vendor and supplier compliance with regulations.
Third-party management keeps manufacturing operations running smoothly by verifying vendor and supplier compliance with regulations.
It’s imperative for security teams to implement a holistic approach to third-party management.
Overseeing business relationships isn’t just about controlling risk — companies must understand how to manage third parties holistically.
Supervisar las relaciones empresariales no consiste solo en controlar el riesgo, sino que las empresas deben comprender cómo gestionar a terceros de manera integral.
Supervisar las relaciones empresariales no consiste solo en controlar el riesgo, sino que las empresas deben comprender cómo gestionar a terceros de manera integral.
It’s imperative for security teams to implement a holistic approach to third-party management.
Overseeing business relationships isn’t just about controlling risk — companies must understand how to manage third parties holistically.
Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to navigate the complexities of managing modern slavery, anti-bribery, and corruption within your third-party ecosystem.
Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to navigate the complexities of managing modern slavery, anti-bribery, and corruption within your third-party ecosystem.
Join us in a webinar where we will discuss PDPL, third-party risk, and compliance best practices. Learn how you can automate and simplify your third-party management program with OneTrust.
Join us in a webinar where we will discuss PDPL, third-party risk, and compliance best practices. Learn how you can automate and simplify your third-party management program with OneTrust.
Join this APAC webinar to learn the unique competencies of third-party risk and due diligence programs and examine when and how to align them to maximize the effectiveness of each.
Amidst South Africa's dynamic AI terrain and evolving data privacy regulations like POPIA, mastering third-party risk management is paramount. This session explores the balance between AI innovation and data protection.
Amidst South Africa's dynamic AI terrain and evolving data privacy regulations like POPIA, mastering third-party risk management is paramount. This session explores the balance between AI innovation and data protection.
Join this APAC webinar to learn the unique competencies of third-party risk and due diligence programs and examine when and how to align them to maximize the effectiveness of each.
Learn how to empower your compliance program with a unified third-party management program.
Scopri come rafforzare il tuo programma di conformità con un programma unificato di gestione delle terze parti.
Scopri come rafforzare il tuo programma di conformità con un programma unificato di gestione delle terze parti.
Aprende a potenciar tu programa de cumplimiento normativo con un programa de gestión de terceros unificado.
Aprende a potenciar tu programa de cumplimiento normativo con un programa de gestión de terceros unificado.
Learn how to empower your compliance program with a unified third-party management program.
Dieser Leitfaden zum Risikomanagement für Dritte gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über die Voraussetzungen für den Aufbau eines erfolgreichen Risikomanagementprogramms für Dritte.
Dieser Leitfaden zum Risikomanagement für Dritte gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über die Voraussetzungen für den Aufbau eines erfolgreichen Risikomanagementprogramms für Dritte.
Join this webinar to learn best practices for building a resilient third-party ecosystem and maintaining operational continuity in the face of unforeseen challenges.
Join this webinar to learn best practices for building a resilient third-party ecosystem and maintaining operational continuity in the face of unforeseen challenges.
Download this eBook to explore third-party management across industries and key considerations before bringing this approach organization-wide.
Download this eBook to explore third-party management across industries and key considerations before bringing this approach organization-wide.
Libro electrónico
Descarga este eBook para explorar la gestión de terceros en todos los sectores y las consideraciones clave antes de aplicar este enfoque a toda la organización.
Libro electrónico
Descarga este eBook para explorar la gestión de terceros en todos los sectores y las consideraciones clave antes de aplicar este enfoque a toda la organización.
Explore DORA's goals, the new requirements, and how organizations can prepare now to meet the framework ahead of the January 2025 deadline.
Analiza los objetivos de la DORA, los nuevos requisitos y cómo las organizaciones pueden prepararse en la actualidad para cumplir con el marco antes del plazo de enero de 2025.
Analiza los objetivos de la DORA, los nuevos requisitos y cómo las organizaciones pueden prepararse en la actualidad para cumplir con el marco antes del plazo de enero de 2025.
Explore DORA's goals, the new requirements, and how organizations can prepare now to meet the framework ahead of the January 2025 deadline.
As innovation teams race to integrate AI into their products and services, new challenges arise for development teams leveraging third-party models. Join the webinar to gain insights on how to navigate AI vendors while mitigating third-party risks.
See our key insights and discover why robust risk management across third parties, fourth parties, and beyond is crucial.
As innovation teams race to integrate AI into their products and services, new challenges arise for development teams leveraging third-party models. Join the webinar to gain insights on how to navigate AI vendors while mitigating third-party risks.
See our key insights and discover why robust risk management across third parties, fourth parties, and beyond is crucial.
The EU has adopted several new Cyber Laws that will impact many businesses and will come into force over the next few months (in October in the case of NISD2) and require actions now. Join the webinar to learn about the latest cyber developments.
The EU has adopted several new Cyber Laws that will impact many businesses and will come into force over the next few months (in October in the case of NISD2) and require actions now. Join the webinar to learn about the latest cyber developments.
Join this free demo session to learn the ins an outs of OneTrust’s Third-Party Management solution.
Join this free demo session to learn the ins an outs of OneTrust’s Third-Party Management solution.
Join this free demo session to learn the ins an outs of OneTrust’s Third-Party Management solution.
Evento presencial
Pensamos que este é um ótimo momento para estarmos com vocês e, por isso, estamos muito felizes em anunciar a 1ª edição do OneTrust Day Portugal, um evento exclusivo para todo o país, onde vamos falar sobre os temas mais atuais e relevantes no mundo da Privacidade, Inteligência Artificial, Consentimento e Preferências e Gestão de Riscos de Terceiros.
Evento presencial
Pensamos que este é um ótimo momento para estarmos com vocês e, por isso, estamos muito felizes em anunciar a 1ª edição do OneTrust Day Portugal, um evento exclusivo para todo o país, onde vamos falar sobre os temas mais atuais e relevantes no mundo da Privacidade, Inteligência Artificial, Consentimento e Preferências e Gestão de Riscos de Terceiros.
This webinar will show you how to develop strategies for assessing reputational risks as it relates to third parties and the impact of third-party relationships.
This webinar will show you how to develop strategies for assessing reputational risks as it relates to third parties and the impact of third-party relationships.
In this webinar, we’ll discuss the unique competencies of third-party risk and due diligence programs and examine when and how to align them.
In this webinar, we’ll discuss the unique competencies of third-party risk and due diligence programs and examine when and how to align them.
Download our infographic to learn about the new DORA regulation, who needs to comply, and how OneTrust can help streamline the process.
Read our article on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and how organizations can effectively manage ICT risk and third-party risk to ensure compliance
Leggi il nostro articolo sul regolamento sulla resilienza operativa digitale (Digital Operational Resilience Act, DORA) e su come le aziende possono gestire efficacemente i rischi legati alle TIC e alle terze parti per garantire la conformità
Leggi il nostro articolo sul regolamento sulla resilienza operativa digitale (Digital Operational Resilience Act, DORA) e su come le aziende possono gestire efficacemente i rischi legati alle TIC e alle terze parti per garantire la conformità
Consulta nuestro artículo sobre el Reglamento sobre resiliencia operativa digital (DORA) y cómo las organizaciones pueden gestionar de forma eficaz el riesgo de las TIC y el riesgo de terceros con objeto de garantizar el cumplimiento normativo
Consulta nuestro artículo sobre el Reglamento sobre resiliencia operativa digital (DORA) y cómo las organizaciones pueden gestionar de forma eficaz el riesgo de las TIC y el riesgo de terceros con objeto de garantizar el cumplimiento normativo
Download our infographic to learn about the new DORA regulation, who needs to comply, and how OneTrust can help streamline the process.
Read our article on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and how organizations can effectively manage ICT risk and third-party risk to ensure compliance
Webinar : comment relever les défis de la gestion des risques tiers tels que : la complexité croissante des réseaux de fournisseurs, la conformité réglementaire changeante et la nécessité de gérer efficacement les relations avec les tiers pour atténuer les risques et maintenir la continuité des activités.
Webinar : comment relever les défis de la gestion des risques tiers tels que : la complexité croissante des réseaux de fournisseurs, la conformité réglementaire changeante et la nécessité de gérer efficacement les relations avec les tiers pour atténuer les risques et maintenir la continuité des activités.
Seminario web
Acompáñanos el próximo 24 de abril a esta sesión y descubre como OneTrust y Deloitte facilitan la adopción de DORA y sus estándares asociados en una sesión práctica donde veremos desde la Gestión de Riesgos y la Gestión de Incidentes, hasta el Registro de Información de la cadena de suministro.
Seminario web
Acompáñanos el próximo 24 de abril a esta sesión y descubre como OneTrust y Deloitte facilitan la adopción de DORA y sus estándares asociados en una sesión práctica donde veremos desde la Gestión de Riesgos y la Gestión de Incidentes, hasta el Registro de Información de la cadena de suministro.
Join our webinar to learn how you can build an well-rounded Third-Party Risk Management Program that works for your organisation
Join our webinar to learn how you can build an well-rounded Third-Party Risk Management Program that works for your organisation
Learn how to leverage financial, operations, compliance, ESG, and cyber scores to drive resilience insights and detect possible supply chain disruptions.
Learn how to leverage financial, operations, compliance, ESG, and cyber scores to drive resilience insights and detect possible supply chain disruptions.
Quels sont les principaux défis auxquels les RSSI sont confrontés ? Téléchargez cette infographie pour connaître l'avis d'experts de tous les secteurs d'activité.
Quels sont les principaux défis auxquels les RSSI sont confrontés ? Téléchargez cette infographie pour connaître l'avis d'experts de tous les secteurs d'activité.
See the path to managing third-party risk effectively with a checklist that outlines the six steps for a sound TPRM program.
See the path to managing third-party risk effectively with a checklist that outlines the six steps for a sound TPRM program.
How can you build a privacy-focused TPRM program? In this webinar, we discuss best practices for privacy compliance when working with third parties, from onboarding to offboarding.
How can you build a privacy-focused TPRM program? In this webinar, we discuss best practices for privacy compliance when working with third parties, from onboarding to offboarding.
Multinationale Sportmarke erfindet das Lieferantenrisikomanagement neu – mit einem kollaborativen, unternehmensweiten Ansatz
Multinationale Sportmarke erfindet das Lieferantenrisikomanagement neu – mit einem kollaborativen, unternehmensweiten Ansatz
Risques tiers liés à l'IA - Comment rester en contrôle ? Découvrez notre approche complète pour l'évaluation de vos fournisseurs
Risques tiers liés à l'IA - Comment rester en contrôle ? Découvrez notre approche complète pour l'évaluation de vos fournisseurs
Watch this video for the five top trends shaping the third-party management industry this year.
Watch this video for the five top trends shaping the third-party management industry this year.
Assessing third-party risk for AI vendors is critical to AI governance, but you don’t have to start your assessment process from scratch. Learn more about taking a holistic approach to vendor assessments for AI.
Die Risikobewertung von KI-Anbietern ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der KI-Governance, aber Sie müssen Ihren Bewertungsprozess nicht bei Null beginnen. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz bei der Bewertung von KI-Anbietern verfolgen.
Die Risikobewertung von KI-Anbietern ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der KI-Governance, aber Sie müssen Ihren Bewertungsprozess nicht bei Null beginnen. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz bei der Bewertung von KI-Anbietern verfolgen.
Evaluar el riesgo de terceros de los proveedores de IA es fundamental para la gobernanza de la IA, pero no tienes por qué iniciar tu proceso de evaluación desde cero. Obtén más información sobre cómo adoptar un enfoque integral con respecto a las evaluaciones de proveedores para la IA.
Evaluar el riesgo de terceros de los proveedores de IA es fundamental para la gobernanza de la IA, pero no tienes por qué iniciar tu proceso de evaluación desde cero. Obtén más información sobre cómo adoptar un enfoque integral con respecto a las evaluaciones de proveedores para la IA.
Assessing third-party risk for AI vendors is critical to AI governance, but you don’t have to start your assessment process from scratch. Learn more about taking a holistic approach to vendor assessments for AI.
Managing third-party risk is a critical part of AI governance, but you don’t have to start from scratch. Use these questions to adapt your existing vendor assessments to be used for AI.
Managing third-party risk is a critical part of AI governance, but you don’t have to start from scratch. Use these questions to adapt your existing vendor assessments to be used for AI.
What key challenges do CISOs face going into the new year? Download this infographic to hear what experts from industries across the board have to say.
What key challenges do CISOs face going into the new year? Download this infographic to hear what experts from industries across the board have to say.
Join this webinar as we discuss key trends for third-party management and lessons learned over the last year.
Join this webinar as we discuss key trends for third-party management and lessons learned over the last year.
Attend this demo to see how our TPRM solution can help you identify and mitigate risk as well as automate manual and repetitive tasks to ultimately reduce the time you spend managing your vendors
Insight into your third parties’ inherent risks can change the way you run your TPM program.
Insight into your third parties’ inherent risks can change the way you run your TPM program.
Join our webinar to learn the primary goals of successful Third-Party Risk and Third-Party Due Diligence programs.
Join our webinar to learn the primary goals of successful Third-Party Risk and Third-Party Due Diligence programs.
What role do third parties play in your privacy compliance efforts? Learn how the two functions overlap and ways to keep data secure across your supply chain.
Quel rôle les tiers jouent-ils dans votre conformité en matière de confidentialité ? Découvrez les connections entre les deux fonctions et comment garantir la sécurité des données dans votre chaîne d’approvisionnement.
Quel rôle les tiers jouent-ils dans votre conformité en matière de confidentialité ? Découvrez les connections entre les deux fonctions et comment garantir la sécurité des données dans votre chaîne d’approvisionnement.
¿Qué papel desempeñan los terceros en tus esfuerzos de cumplimiento normativo en materia de privacidad? Descubre cómo se solapan las dos funciones y cómo mantener los datos seguros a lo largo de toda tu cadena de suministros.
¿Qué papel desempeñan los terceros en tus esfuerzos de cumplimiento normativo en materia de privacidad? Descubre cómo se solapan las dos funciones y cómo mantener los datos seguros a lo largo de toda tu cadena de suministros.
What role do third parties play in your privacy compliance efforts? Learn how the two functions overlap and ways to keep data secure across your supply chain.
Join our webinar and learn how to save time and streamline third-party risk assessment throughout the TPRM lifecycle.
Join our webinar and learn how to save time and streamline third-party risk assessment throughout the TPRM lifecycle.
Join our risk assessments experts as we discuss best practices, program templates, and how provide an assessment that provides the best value for your organization.
Understand the importance of data privacy in third-party risk management, and 10 best practices for achieving privacy compliance when working with third parties.
Understand the importance of data privacy in third-party risk management, and 10 best practices for achieving privacy compliance when working with third parties.
Security teams can help create and champion organizational trust despite interdepartmental silos
As the technological landscape continues to evolve, teams are seeing increases in compliance obligations, regulations, and the proliferation of cloud technology.
Security teams can help create and champion organizational trust despite interdepartmental silos
As the technological landscape continues to evolve, teams are seeing increases in compliance obligations, regulations, and the proliferation of cloud technology.
The cybersecurity awareness hub pulls resources from our experts on the Security CoE, GRC, Privacy, DataGuidance, and TPRM teams to a central resource.
The cybersecurity awareness hub pulls resources from our experts on the Security CoE, GRC, Privacy, DataGuidance, and TPRM teams to a central resource.
Join us for a live demo of OneTrust's third-party risk management solution and see how it can help automate and streamline your TPRM program.
Join us for a live demo of OneTrust's third-party risk management solution and see how it can help automate and streamline your TPRM program.
Join this webinar to learn how to manage the third-party risk lifecycle across teams while optimizing your processes with automation.
Join this webinar to learn how to manage the third-party risk lifecycle across teams while optimizing your processes with automation.
In this webinar, we'll share seven practical tips for effective third-party risk monitoring, helping you to identify new risks and take timely action to protect your business.
In this webinar, we'll share seven practical tips for effective third-party risk monitoring, helping you to identify new risks and take timely action to protect your business.
Learn how to actively screen and monitor your third parties in the OneTrust Third-Party Risk Exchange.
Learn how to actively screen and monitor your third parties in the OneTrust Third-Party Risk Exchange.
Join our in-depth webinar and learn how to define third-party due dilligence levels and when to apply them during your vendor management lifecycle.
Join our in-depth webinar and learn how to define third-party due dilligence levels and when to apply them during your vendor management lifecycle.
Join us as we explore how automating third-party management workflows streamlines processes, drives alignment across teams, and reduces reduntant work.
Join us as we explore how automating third-party management workflows streamlines processes, drives alignment across teams, and reduces reduntant work.
Dieses Webinar erläutert, wie Sie mit einem Third Party Risk Management-Programm datenschutzbezogene Risiken verringern, Compliance Records mit Leichtigkeit führen und die Zusammenarbeit von Geschäftseinheiten fördern können.
Dieses Webinar erläutert, wie Sie mit einem Third Party Risk Management-Programm datenschutzbezogene Risiken verringern, Compliance Records mit Leichtigkeit führen und die Zusammenarbeit von Geschäftseinheiten fördern können.
In this webinar, we examine the scope of third-party due dilligence, best practices, and industry trends driving greater scrutiny on third parties.
In this webinar, we examine the scope of third-party due dilligence, best practices, and industry trends driving greater scrutiny on third parties.
Learn how to implement an effective third-party risk management program that meets your organization's needs.
How to start a third-party risk management program: Monitor and maintain performance
Create a TPRM program that addresses your organization’s highest security risks and aligns with strategic objectives
Aprende a implementar un programa de gestión de riesgos de terceros efectivo que satisfaga las necesidades de tu organización.
Aprende a implementar un programa de gestión de riesgos de terceros efectivo que satisfaga las necesidades de tu organización.
Create a TPRM program that addresses your organization’s highest security risks and aligns with strategic objectives
How to start a third-party risk management program: Monitor and maintain performance
Learn how to implement an effective third-party risk management program that meets your organization's needs.
Join our webinar and learn how to create an effective, privacy-focused third-party risk management (TPRM) program that streamlines recordkeeping and reduces your risk exposure.
Join our webinar and learn how to create an effective, privacy-focused third-party risk management (TPRM) program that streamlines recordkeeping and reduces your risk exposure.
Learn about the different types of third-party risks and how to address each one
Conoce los diferentes tipos de riesgos de terceros y cómo abordar cada uno.
Conoce los diferentes tipos de riesgos de terceros y cómo abordar cada uno.
Learn about the different types of third-party risks and how to address each one
See how OneTrust's third-party management solution can help scale your third-party lifecycle and evaluate vendors with real-time risk intelligence.
See how OneTrust's third-party management solution can help scale your third-party lifecycle and evaluate vendors with real-time risk intelligence.
The OneTrust Vendor Risk Management provides businesses access to pre-completed vendor risk assessments while supporting industry standards.
The OneTrust Vendor Risk Management provides businesses access to pre-completed vendor risk assessments while supporting industry standards.
Learn about OneTrust Third-Party Risk Exchange in this demo video and see how it streamlines third-party risk assessments.
Join OneTrust and HackNotice as we discuss effective ways to protect your organization from third-party data breaches and build strong incident response workflows.
Join OneTrust and HackNotice as we discuss effective ways to protect your organization from third-party data breaches and build strong incident response workflows.
Join our upcoming webinar as we explore the pivotal ways procurement and InfoSec teams can collaborate to reduce third-party risks.
Join our upcoming webinar as we explore the pivotal ways procurement and InfoSec teams can collaborate to reduce third-party risks.
Seminario web
Dominar el arte de la diligencia debida y la gestión de riesgos y cómo armonizarlos para maximizar su eficacia.
Download our eBook to learn practical advice on how to approach third-party risk management like an InfoSec expert.
Download our eBook to learn practical advice on how to approach third-party risk management like an InfoSec expert.
OneTrust customers can take advantage of HackNotice’s near real-time breach alerts.
The recent decision cast fresh doubt over the effectiveness of transfer safeguards and supplementary measures in conjunction with the practical application of third-country surveillance laws.
OneTrust customers can take advantage of HackNotice’s near real-time breach alerts.
The recent decision cast fresh doubt over the effectiveness of transfer safeguards and supplementary measures in conjunction with the practical application of third-country surveillance laws.
In this live webinar, our expert panel discuss emerging third-party risk regulatory trends in the Nordic region and show how OneTrust can help your business stay complaint.
In this live webinar, our expert panel discuss emerging third-party risk regulatory trends in the Nordic region and show how OneTrust can help your business stay complaint.
Join us for a live demo of OneTrust's Third-Party Management capabilities and how our holistic approach helps you monitor and screen third parties across critial risk domains with up-to-date intelligence.
In this webinar, see how OneTrust's Third-Party Management can help you build a more holistic program that actively monitors your third parties and lowers your risk exposure.
In this webinar, see how OneTrust's Third-Party Management can help you build a more holistic program that actively monitors your third parties and lowers your risk exposure.
Join us for a live demo of OneTrust's Third-Party Management capabilities and how our holistic approach helps you monitor and screen third parties across critial risk domains with up-to-date intelligence.
OneTrust anuncia nuevas innovaciones dentro de su plataforma de Trust Intelligence para ayudar a las empresas a utilizar los datos de forma responsable y desarrollar inteligencia de confianza a escala.
In this webinar, you will learn how to reduce the use of spreadsheets for third-party risk management and cut costs when building your TPRM program.
In this webinar, you will learn how to reduce the use of spreadsheets for third-party risk management and cut costs when building your TPRM program.
Watch this webinar to learn how to align your TPRM and TPDD programs to achieve workflow efficiencies and the distinction between the two discipline areas.
Watch this webinar to learn how to align your TPRM and TPDD programs to achieve workflow efficiencies and the distinction between the two discipline areas.
In-Person Event
Join this OneTrust live event series, which will address critical topics such as navigating data management, compliance automation and third-party risk.
In-Person Event
Join this OneTrust live event series, which will address critical topics such as navigating data management, compliance automation and third-party risk.
The number of businesses and third-party suppliers has increased, widening the risk landscape. This infographic shows how businesses are managing that risk.
The number of businesses and third-party suppliers has increased, widening the risk landscape. This infographic shows how businesses are managing that risk.
Learn how to balance the intricacies of CPRA, VCDPA, CPA, CTDPA, and UCPA when managing third parties and understanding privacy-related risks.
Learn how to balance the intricacies of CPRA, VCDPA, CPA, CTDPA, and UCPA when managing third parties and understanding privacy-related risks.
Businesses need a comprehensive third-party management strategy covering all aspects of their relationships with third parties, such as security, privacy, ethics, and ESG.
Businesses need a comprehensive third-party management strategy covering all aspects of their relationships with third parties, such as security, privacy, ethics, and ESG.
Compartir información y recursos entre los silos dentro de la organización es mutuamente beneficioso para los equipos con el objetivo común de mitigar el riesgo de privacidad de los datos.
Compartir información y recursos entre los silos dentro de la organización es mutuamente beneficioso para los equipos con el objetivo común de mitigar el riesgo de privacidad de los datos.
La condivisione di informazioni e risorse tra i diversi compartimenti aziendali è utile per tutti i team che hanno l'obiettivo di mitigare i rischi per la privacy dei dati.
La condivisione di informazioni e risorse tra i diversi compartimenti aziendali è utile per tutti i team che hanno l'obiettivo di mitigare i rischi per la privacy dei dati.
The partnership with Supply Wisdom brings compliance, financial, location-based ESG, and cyber risk data to Exchange customers and their third parties.
The partnership with Supply Wisdom brings compliance, financial, location-based ESG, and cyber risk data to Exchange customers and their third parties.
Attend this webinar to learn about Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) workflow definition and maintenance best practices you can apply to your business.NEED
Attend this webinar to learn about Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) workflow definition and maintenance best practices you can apply to your business.NEED
In this webinar, you will learn how to utilize TPRM to help to optimize workflows, leverage data, and increase accountability across sourcing and procurement.
In this webinar, you will learn how to utilize TPRM to help to optimize workflows, leverage data, and increase accountability across sourcing and procurement.
This webinar provides a live demo of the OneTrust TPRM solution and cover best practices for implementing and using the software to reduce third-party risk.
Dieses Webinar thematisiert einen strukturierten und effektiven Umgang mit IT-/IS- Risikomanagement.
Dieses Webinar thematisiert einen strukturierten und effektiven Umgang mit IT-/IS- Risikomanagement.
The Third-Party Risk Exchange allows businesses to learn more about each other's security posture, offer SIG Lite assessments on-demand, and more.
The Third-Party Risk Exchange allows businesses to learn more about each other's security posture, offer SIG Lite assessments on-demand, and more.
Our third-party risk software helps you build a vendor inventory, conduct vendor assessments, mitigate risks, monitor vendors over time, and more.
From a new focus on ESG to a renewed need for cybersecurity, third-party and vendor risk management solutions have become a priority for organizations.
Our third-party risk software helps you build a vendor inventory, conduct vendor assessments, mitigate risks, monitor vendors over time, and more.
From a new focus on ESG to a renewed need for cybersecurity, third-party and vendor risk management solutions have become a priority for organizations.
Seminario web
En la tercera sesión de la Academia RGPD hablaremos sobre los riesgos de proveedores (y empleados), crítico en los programas de privacidad.
In this third-party lifecycle webinar, we’ll explore the contracting problem many organizations face when limiting risk exposure while automating processes.
In this third-party lifecycle webinar, we’ll explore the contracting problem many organizations face when limiting risk exposure while automating processes.
A well-designed compliance program should apply risk-based due diligence and have a process for the full lifecycle of third-party risk management
Todo programa de cumplimiento normativo bien diseñado debe aplicar la diligencia debida basada en riesgos y disponer de un proceso para todo el ciclo de vida de gestión de riesgos de terceros.
Todo programa de cumplimiento normativo bien diseñado debe aplicar la diligencia debida basada en riesgos y disponer de un proceso para todo el ciclo de vida de gestión de riesgos de terceros.
A well-designed compliance program should apply risk-based due diligence and have a process for the full lifecycle of third-party risk management
Watch the demo video to learn how OneTrust Third-Party Risk Management can help your TPRM program meet your privacy team's expectations.
Watch the demo video to learn how OneTrust Third-Party Risk Management can help your TPRM program meet your privacy team's expectations.
In this session, we’ll outline how to identify, reduce, and monitor cyber risk as it relates to your third parties including methods for tracking cyber risks over time.
In this session, we’ll outline how to identify, reduce, and monitor cyber risk as it relates to your third parties including methods for tracking cyber risks over time.
Join OneTrust for a demo on how our privacy management platform helps Canadian businesses streamline ISO 27001:2022 compliance.
To help organizations take a holistic approach to the third-party contracting and risk management process, OneTrust has partnered with Ironclad.
Join OneTrust for a demo on how our privacy management platform helps Canadian businesses streamline ISO 27001:2022 compliance.
To help organizations take a holistic approach to the third-party contracting and risk management process, OneTrust has partnered with Ironclad.
CPOs track risk via data mapping, in which data is discovered, assessed, and tracked as it flows throughout the organization, including to third parties.
CPOs track risk via data mapping, in which data is discovered, assessed, and tracked as it flows throughout the organization, including to third parties.
Learn how InfoSec teams can automate scoping mandatory requirements and streamline generating evidence to prove compliance across ISO.
Learn how InfoSec teams can automate scoping mandatory requirements and streamline generating evidence to prove compliance across ISO.
In this webinar session, we’ll outline how to take a data-driven approach to understand, reduce, and monitor cyber risks as it relates to your third parties.
In this webinar session, we’ll outline how to take a data-driven approach to understand, reduce, and monitor cyber risks as it relates to your third parties.
We are partnering with RiskRecon, a Mastercard Company to make cybersecurity ratings available out-of-the-box to all Third-Party Risk Exchange customers.
We are partnering with RiskRecon, a Mastercard Company to make cybersecurity ratings available out-of-the-box to all Third-Party Risk Exchange customers.
This webinar focuses on the fundamental considerations when managing third parties and enables your organization to build a solid and scalable foundation.
This webinar focuses on the fundamental considerations when managing third parties and enables your organization to build a solid and scalable foundation.
In 2021, there was a 62% global attack spike in ransomware (158% increase in North America), and an increased focus on attacks by regulatory bodies.
In 2021, there was a 62% global attack spike in ransomware (158% increase in North America), and an increased focus on attacks by regulatory bodies.
In this webinar, we provide a live product demonstration to show you how your organization can optimize and scale a third-party risk program.
In this webinar, we provide a live product demonstration to show you how your organization can optimize and scale a third-party risk program.
This webinar will provide live product demonstrations to show you how your organization can optimize and scale a third-party risk program.
This webinar will provide live product demonstrations to show you how your organization can optimize and scale a third-party risk program.
Watch this webinar as OneTrust discusses how privacy and security teams can save time throughout the third-party risk assessment lifecycle.
Watch this webinar as OneTrust discusses how privacy and security teams can save time throughout the third-party risk assessment lifecycle.
We’ll discuss the 7 core metrics successful third-party risk programs track and how to track them, such as critical metrics to track as your program matures.
We’ll discuss the 7 core metrics successful third-party risk programs track and how to track them, such as critical metrics to track as your program matures.
OneTrust simplifies third-party management by enabling control and visibility throughout the entire third-party lifecycle while you manage third parties.
OneTrust simplifica la gestión de terceros al permitir el control y la visibilidad a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de los terceros mientras tú los administras.
OneTrust simplifica la gestión de terceros al permitir el control y la visibilidad a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de los terceros mientras tú los administras.
OneTrust simplifies third-party management by enabling control and visibility throughout the entire third-party lifecycle while you manage third parties.
Learn the top 7 red flags for risky third parties, mitigation tactics for reducing third-party risk, and key ways to streamline risk identification, and more.
Learn the top 7 red flags for risky third parties, mitigation tactics for reducing third-party risk, and key ways to streamline risk identification, and more.
In this webinar, we'll discuss third-party risk management's role in privacy compliance and cost-effective techniques for maintaining records for compliance.
In this webinar, we'll discuss third-party risk management's role in privacy compliance and cost-effective techniques for maintaining records for compliance.
Ensure your enterprise IT risk assessment is a success with a top-down approach that gets executive buy-in from the start
Ensure your enterprise IT risk assessment is a success with a top-down approach that gets executive buy-in from the start
Watch our LkSG webinar to understand the scope of LkSG, how your company will need to adjust, and the repercussions of noncompliance.
Watch our LkSG webinar to understand the scope of LkSG, how your company will need to adjust, and the repercussions of noncompliance.
As more tasks are outsourced to third-party providers, risk management programs become critical to securing sensitive data
As more tasks are outsourced to third-party providers, risk management programs become critical to securing sensitive data
In this webinar, we discuss best practices for how privacy and security teams can work better to eliminate redundant work, save time, and be more efficient.
In this webinar, we discuss best practices for how privacy and security teams can work better to eliminate redundant work, save time, and be more efficient.
Watch this webinar to hear how to leverage third-party risk management workflow creation and maintenance best practices.
Watch this webinar to hear how to leverage third-party risk management workflow creation and maintenance best practices.
In this panel discussion, we address critical points such as defining the metrics to track in relation to third parties and their cybersecurity risks.
In this panel discussion, we address critical points such as defining the metrics to track in relation to third parties and their cybersecurity risks.
In this webinar, we’ll review services providers under the ADPPA and outline how you can ready your third-party risk program to align with privacy regulations.
In this webinar, we’ll review services providers under the ADPPA and outline how you can ready your third-party risk program to align with privacy regulations.
Download our LkSG readiness checklist to understand your readiness for risk management systems and responsibilities, and due diligence obligations.
Download our LkSG readiness checklist to understand your readiness for risk management systems and responsibilities, and due diligence obligations.
In this infographic, you'll discover third-party risk and learn how to operationalize a "3A approach", including addressing evolving risk factors and timelines.
In this infographic, you'll discover third-party risk and learn how to operationalize a "3A approach", including addressing evolving risk factors and timelines.
In this webinar, we’ll explore these questions and layout 7 must-know best practices to conduct more meaningful third-party risk assessments.
In this webinar, we’ll explore these questions and layout 7 must-know best practices to conduct more meaningful third-party risk assessments.
Para convertirte en un negocio que se base en la confianza, proteger la reputación de tu marca y garantizar el cumplimiento normativo, tendrás que examinar y monitorizar tus relaciones con terceros.
Para convertirte en un negocio que se base en la confianza, proteger la reputación de tu marca y garantizar el cumplimiento normativo, tendrás que examinar y monitorizar tus relaciones con terceros.
To become a trust-based business, protect your brand's reputation, and ensure compliance, you'll need to vet and monitor your third-party relationships.
To become a trust-based business, protect your brand's reputation, and ensure compliance, you'll need to vet and monitor your third-party relationships.
Understand what it takes to build a successful third-party risk management program through OneTrust's third-party risk management guide.
Understand what it takes to build a successful third-party risk management program through OneTrust's third-party risk management guide.
Join our panel of experts as we discuss the German Supply Chain Due Dilligence Act and the best practices for compliance.
Join our panel of experts as we discuss the German Supply Chain Due Dilligence Act and the best practices for compliance.
The information gathered from security questionnaires is critical in the evaluation of business and security practices, and is crucial for compliance.
The information gathered from security questionnaires is critical in the evaluation of business and security practices, and is crucial for compliance.
This webinar will discuss best practices for how privacy and security teams can work together to eliminate redundant work, save time, and be more efficient.
This webinar will discuss best practices for how privacy and security teams can work together to eliminate redundant work, save time, and be more efficient.
Join this webinar to learn how you can integrate your Third-Party Risk Management program within a broader IT Security platform
Join this webinar to learn how you can integrate your Third-Party Risk Management program within a broader IT Security platform
In this webinar, we will provide you with the steps that you need to define a solid third-party risk management program
In this webinar, we will provide you with the steps that you need to define a solid third-party risk management program
OneTrust is expanding its partnership with SecurityScorecard to enable Third-Party Risk Exchange customers to view complementary Cybersecurity Ratings.
OneTrust is expanding its partnership with SecurityScorecard to enable Third-Party Risk Exchange customers to view complementary Cybersecurity Ratings.
See why Forrester named OneTrust a leader in The Forrester Wave: Third-Party Risk Management Platforms, Q2 2022 report.
See why Forrester named OneTrust a leader in The Forrester Wave: Third-Party Risk Management Platforms, Q2 2022 report.
Download this infographic and learn how a central platform can integrate IT, security, and risk-management and streamline collaboration across your business.
Watch this webinar and see how the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to accelerate automation and scale their third-party management.
Watch this webinar and see how the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to accelerate automation and scale their third-party management.
Discover effective strategies for preparing security questionaire responses with our free webinar.
A zero-day Java vulnerability, "Spring4Shell" surfaced and experts believe it could be as impactful as 2021's Log4j. Read to learn more.
Discover effective strategies for preparing security questionaire responses with our free webinar.
A zero-day Java vulnerability, "Spring4Shell" surfaced and experts believe it could be as impactful as 2021's Log4j. Read to learn more.
Watch this webinar and learn how to launch an effective third-party risk managment program and practical methods to track success.
Watch this webinar and learn how to launch an effective third-party risk managment program and practical methods to track success.
Download our guide on third-party management and learn what you need to know to shift your buisness to TPM.
Download our guide on third-party management and learn what you need to know to shift your buisness to TPM.
Download the 2022 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for IT VRM Tools to see why customers choose OneTrust Vendorpedia.
OneTrust has been named a Customers' Choice in the 2022 Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer': IT Vendor Risk Management Tools.
OneTrust has been named a Customers' Choice in the 2022 Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer': IT Vendor Risk Management Tools.
White Paper
Download this joint research report conducted by CyberRisk Alliance and Vendorpedia to understand today's third-party risk landscape.
Introducing QRA cell detection – a powerful QRA enhancement that eases the spreadsheet-based questionnaire response process for vendors.
White Paper
Download this joint research report conducted by CyberRisk Alliance and Vendorpedia to understand today's third-party risk landscape.
Introducing QRA cell detection – a powerful QRA enhancement that eases the spreadsheet-based questionnaire response process for vendors.
Third-party risk management is key to any business. Learn how to master the TPRM lifecycle across your organization in our newest video blog!
Third-party risk management is key to any business. Learn how to master the TPRM lifecycle across your organization in our newest video blog!
Make the business case for TPRM in your organization and get access to our TPRM buy-in guide to learn how! Read the blog to learn more.
Make the business case for TPRM in your organization and get access to our TPRM buy-in guide to learn how! Read the blog to learn more.
In this eBook, learn the business value of TPRM software and why all leading organizations rely on it when working with third-party vendors.
In this eBook, learn the business value of TPRM software and why all leading organizations rely on it when working with third-party vendors.
Join this webinar to learn best practices on how your organization can step-up business resilience with better third-party risk management.
Watch our free webinar to discover how to optimize your third-party risk program and reduce manual data management with automation.
Join this webinar to learn best practices on how your organization can step-up business resilience with better third-party risk management.
Watch our free webinar to discover how to optimize your third-party risk program and reduce manual data management with automation.
Third-Party Trust Management (TPTM) is the next evolution of third-party risk and is key enterprise trust strategy. Learn more in our blog!
Third-Party Trust Management (TPTM) is the next evolution of third-party risk and is key enterprise trust strategy. Learn more in our blog!
La gestión de la confianza de terceros es el siguiente paso evolutivo del riesgo de terceros y se trata de una estrategia clave de confianza de la empresa. ¡Consulta más información en nuestro blog!
La gestión de la confianza de terceros es el siguiente paso evolutivo del riesgo de terceros y se trata de una estrategia clave de confianza de la empresa. ¡Consulta más información en nuestro blog!
Prepare for 2022 Trends in Third-Party Risk Management and future-proof your Third-Party Trust program.
Prepare for 2022 Trends in Third-Party Risk Management and future-proof your Third-Party Trust program.
This webinar will discuss how to create a Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) program that prioritizes privacy compliance and simplifies record-keeping.
This webinar will discuss how to create a Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) program that prioritizes privacy compliance and simplifies record-keeping.
In 2021, TPRM and cybersecurity remained at the forefront of business strategy, so what's next? Learn about 2022 TPRM predictions in our blog!
In 2021, TPRM and cybersecurity remained at the forefront of business strategy, so what's next? Learn about 2022 TPRM predictions in our blog!
Learn about the impact of third-party service outages and how to stand up a TPRM-informed business resilience strategy in our latest blog.
Learn about the impact of third-party service outages and how to stand up a TPRM-informed business resilience strategy in our latest blog.
A new, critical vulnerability that impacts a popular open-source Java logging library, Apache Log4j 2 exists. Read more in our blog.
A new, critical vulnerability that impacts a popular open-source Java logging library, Apache Log4j 2 exists. Read more in our blog.
Download the OneTrust Vendor Risk Management Handbook for an in-depth understanding of updated regulations, requirements and more.
Download the OneTrust Vendor Risk Management Handbook for an in-depth understanding of updated regulations, requirements and more.
Learn how to manage risk in a time-friendly, cost-effective way with low effort for your vendors with our SIG 2022 shared assessments support.
Learn how to manage risk in a time-friendly, cost-effective way with low effort for your vendors with our SIG 2022 shared assessments support.
For the third consecutive year, OneTrust is a leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic QuadrantTM for IT Vendor Risk Management Tools.
For the third consecutive year, OneTrust is a leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic QuadrantTM for IT Vendor Risk Management Tools.
Implementing a consistent security questionnaire answering process will save your organization time and money. Read our guide to learn more.
Implementing a consistent security questionnaire answering process will save your organization time and money. Read our guide to learn more.
Read why OneTrust once again received analyst recognition The Forrester Wave: Third-Party Risk Management Platforms, Q4 2020.
Access this free webinar to learn how to be a trusted vendor.
Access this free webinar to learn how to be a trusted vendor.
Read why OneTrust once again received analyst recognition The Forrester Wave: Third-Party Risk Management Platforms, Q4 2020.
Download our third-party risk management eBook and get a complete roadmap to your TPRM lifecycle.
Download our third-party risk management eBook and get a complete roadmap to your TPRM lifecycle.
AutoZone Goes the Extra Mile and drives TPRM operations with OneTrust Third-Party Risk Management. Learn more from Auto Zone TPRM, Ryan Walker.
AutoZone Goes the Extra Mile and drives TPRM operations with OneTrust Third-Party Risk Management. Learn more from Auto Zone TPRM, Ryan Walker.
Download our guide to building an effective vendor risk management program and how risk exchanges are vital to your business.
Vendor risk management (VRM) is a form of risk management that focuses on identifying and reducing risks relating to vendors.
Vendor risk management (VRM) is a form of risk management that focuses on identifying and reducing risks relating to vendors.
La gestión de riesgos de terceros es un método de gestión de riesgos que se centra en identificar y reducir los riesgos que están relacionados con el uso de terceros.
La gestión de riesgos de terceros es un método de gestión de riesgos que se centra en identificar y reducir los riesgos que están relacionados con el uso de terceros.
La gestione dei rischi terze parti (Third-party Risk Management, TPRM) è una forma di gestione dei rischi che si concentra sull'identificazione e la riduzione dei rischi relativi all'utilizzo di terze parti.
La gestione dei rischi terze parti (Third-party Risk Management, TPRM) è una forma di gestione dei rischi che si concentra sull'identificazione e la riduzione dei rischi relativi all'utilizzo di terze parti.
Shared Assessments will remain vendor neutral post-acquistion to grow the SIG third-party risk standard globally.
Shared Assessments will remain vendor neutral post-acquistion to grow the SIG third-party risk standard globally.
Watch the demo of our Questionnaire Response Automation tool and learn how it helps vendors automatically answer any questionnaire.
Watch the demo of our Questionnaire Response Automation tool and learn how it helps vendors automatically answer any questionnaire.
OneTrust launches Vendorpedia Questionnaire Response Automation to support organizations in automatically answering incoming questionnaires.
OneTrust launches Vendorpedia Questionnaire Response Automation to support organizations in automatically answering incoming questionnaires.
The CCPA is only days away from taking effect, and OneTrust has all the resources you need to be CCPA ready by January 1, 2020.
The CCPA is only days away from taking effect, and OneTrust has all the resources you need to be CCPA ready by January 1, 2020.
Companies can integrate their information across systems and data collection points to centralize their risk register and reporting efforts.
Companies can integrate their information across systems and data collection points to centralize their risk register and reporting efforts.
With the OneTrust Vendor Risk Management platform and data mapping, companies sustain an up-to-date data map and automate alerts and actions.
With the OneTrust Vendor Risk Management platform and data mapping, companies sustain an up-to-date data map and automate alerts and actions.
Scale your third-party risk program with pre-populated privacy and security profiles on over 6,000 third-party vendors in OneTrust's Vendorpedia.
Scale your third-party risk program with pre-populated privacy and security profiles on over 6,000 third-party vendors in OneTrust's Vendorpedia.
The FStech Awards selected OneTrust as Risk Management Software of the Year in 2018. Thank you to the FStech Awards for this incredible honor
The FStech Awards selected OneTrust as Risk Management Software of the Year in 2018. Thank you to the FStech Awards for this incredible honor
OneTrust joins the Cloud Security Alliance or CSA, a global leader in secure cloud computing, to simplify vendor risk management for GDPR compliance.
OneTrust joins the Cloud Security Alliance or CSA, a global leader in secure cloud computing, to simplify vendor risk management for GDPR compliance.
Learn how an exchange community of customers and vendors improves security and builds trust.
Request a free demo of OneTrust Third Party Management and get personalized best practice advice from a third-party risk expert.
Get the OneTrust and CSA vendor risk management tool and see how to automate the entire vendor management lifecycle.
Join this webinar series, which will focus on the four foundational pillars of Third-Party Risk Management: Automation, Compliance, Reporting, and Collaboration.
Customer Story
Learn how Rochester Regional Health creates a patient-centric privacy program with OneTrust third-party risk management solutions.
The integration between Atlassian JIRA and OneTrust offers a powerful solution for organizations that need to comply with privacy regulations and manage risk.
The integration between BitSight and OneTrust Third-Party Risk is a powerful tool that can help organizations to manage third-party risk and to protect their data.
File Storage & Sharing
OneTrust integrates with DocuSign to automatically send eSignature envelopes and request attestation of responses from customers and vendors.
By using Supply Wisdom and OneTrust together, organizations can get a comprehensive view of third-party risk and take proactive steps to mitigate it.
Hazte con la herramienta de gestión de riesgos de terceros de OneTrust y de la CSA, y aprende a automatizar todo el ciclo de vida de la gestión de proveedores.
Avec l’outil OneTrust-CSA, découvrez comment automatiser l’ensemble du cycle de vie de la gestion de vos fournisseurs.
Demandez une démonstration gratuite de la solution OneTrust Third Party Management et obtenez des conseils personnalisés sur les bonnes pratiques avec un expert en gestion des risques tiers.
Solicita una demostración gratuita de OneTrust Third Party Management y recibe consejos personalizados sobre prácticas recomendadas de un experto.
Customer Story
Multinational sports brand reinvents vendor risk management with collaborative, organization-wide approach.
Fordern Sie eine kostenfreie Demo zu OneTrust Third-Party Management an und lassen Sie sich von einem Experten für Drittparteienrisiken persönlich beraten.
Holen Sie sich das OneTrust-CSA Lieferantenrisikomanagement-Tool und erfahren Sie, wie Sie den gesamten Lebenszyklus des Lieferantenmanagements automatisieren.
Dieser Blog diskutiert, wie ein effektives Third Party Management etabliert werden kann, das Sicherheit für Datenschutz-, Sicherheits-, Ethik- und ESG-Teams schafft.
Solicite uma demonstração gratuita da solução OneTrust Third Party Management e obtenha o aconselhamento personalizado sobre boas práticas na gestão de riscos de terceiros.
Obtenha a ferramenta de gerenciamento de riscos de fornecedores OneTrust-CSA e saiba como automatizar todo o ciclo de vida da gestão de fornecedores.
Richiedi una demo gratuita di Third Party Management di OneTrust e ricevi pratiche consigliate personalizzate da un esperto dei rischi da parte di terzi.
Ottieni lo strumento Gestione del rischio fornitore OneTrust e CSA e scopri come automatizzare l'intero ciclo di vita della gestione dei fornitori.
Richiedi una demo gratuita di Third Party Management di OneTrust e ricevi pratiche consigliate personalizzate da un esperto dei rischi da parte di terzi.
Ottieni lo strumento Gestione del rischio fornitore OneTrust e CSA e scopri come automatizzare l'intero ciclo di vita della gestione dei fornitori.
Fordern Sie eine kostenfreie Demo zu OneTrust Third-Party Management an und lassen Sie sich von einem Experten für Drittparteienrisiken persönlich beraten.
Holen Sie sich das OneTrust-CSA Lieferantenrisikomanagement-Tool und erfahren Sie, wie Sie den gesamten Lebenszyklus des Lieferantenmanagements automatisieren.
Dieser Blog diskutiert, wie ein effektives Third Party Management etabliert werden kann, das Sicherheit für Datenschutz-, Sicherheits-, Ethik- und ESG-Teams schafft.
Solicite uma demonstração gratuita da solução OneTrust Third Party Management e obtenha o aconselhamento personalizado sobre boas práticas na gestão de riscos de terceiros.
Obtenha a ferramenta de gerenciamento de riscos de fornecedores OneTrust-CSA e saiba como automatizar todo o ciclo de vida da gestão de fornecedores.
Témoignage client
Une multinationale du sport réinvente la gestion des risques tiers avec une approche collaborative à l’échelle de l’organisation.
Storia del cliente
Una multinazionale dello sport reinventa la gestione dei rischi legati ai fornitori con un approccio collaborativo a livello di organizzazione
Storia del cliente
Una multinazionale dello sport reinventa la gestione dei rischi legati ai fornitori con un approccio collaborativo a livello di organizzazione
Témoignage client
Une multinationale du sport réinvente la gestion des risques tiers avec une approche collaborative à l’échelle de l’organisation.
Valence Security and OneTrust have partnered to create a seamless integration between SSPM and TPRM, bridging the gap between risk managers and security analysts.
Ingest OneTrust data into Tableau for customized dashboards and analytics to drive insight into the privacy program’s activity and create custom reports.
UpGuard and OneTrust Third-Party Risk Management integrate so organizations have a comprehensive view of third-party risk to help prevent data breaches.
The integration with LexisNexis Risk Solutions and OneTrust can help complete consumer requests requirements under the CCPA and other state privacy laws.
ISS Corporate Solutions provides cyber risk management solutions that help organizations understand their own cyber resilience and the security posture of their vendors.
Integrating OneTrust with Bureau van Dijk and RDC can help organizations to identify and assess risks, including financial, operational, and reputational risks.
Dun & Bradstreet and OneTrust offer a powerful solution for third-party risk management by integrating data and insights to help organizations identify and monitor risks.
Together, Dow Jones and OneTrust offer a powerful solution for third-party risk management, enabling organizations to reduce critical vulnerabilities, improve compliance, and build trust.
Stay up-to-date on the latest threat intelligence about your organizations third-party vendors by integrating OneTrust with Recorded Future.
Integrating OneTrust and BlackKite helps organizations streamline third-party risk assessments while gaining more visibility over technical, financial, and compliance risks.
RiskRecon integrates with OneTrust to provide organizations with cybersecurity scores and more, which can be pulled on a scheduled basis.
Identity Access Management & Identity Verification
SecurityScorecard and OneTrust integrate to provide a comprehensive view of third-party cybersecurity posture and automate risk mitigation.
Customer Story
See how this Southern Veterinary Partners improved third-party risk management and enhanced its security and efficiency.
Solicita una demostración gratuita de OneTrust Third Party Management y recibe consejos personalizados sobre prácticas recomendadas de un experto.
Hazte con la herramienta de gestión de riesgos de terceros de OneTrust y de la CSA, y aprende a automatizar todo el ciclo de vida de la gestión de proveedores.
GRC e garanzia di sicurezza
Partecipa al nostro webinar il 24 ottobre alle 11:00 per approfondire i principali requisiti della Direttiva NIS2 e il suo impatto sul territorio italiano.
GRC e garanzia di sicurezza
Partecipa al nostro webinar il 24 ottobre alle 11:00 per approfondire i principali requisiti della Direttiva NIS2 e il suo impatto sul territorio italiano.
Watch our webinar and gain insight on how to navigate InfoSec's evolving compliance landscape.
Demandez une démonstration gratuite de la solution OneTrust Third Party Management et obtenez des conseils personnalisés sur les bonnes pratiques avec un expert en gestion des risques tiers.
Watch our webinar and gain insight on how to navigate InfoSec's evolving compliance landscape.
Learn how an exchange community of customers and vendors improves security and builds trust.
Join this webinar series, which will focus on the four foundational pillars of Third-Party Risk Management: Automation, Compliance, Reporting, and Collaboration.
Request a free demo of OneTrust Third Party Management and get personalized best practice advice from a third-party risk expert.
Get the OneTrust and CSA vendor risk management tool and see how to automate the entire vendor management lifecycle.
Customer Story
Learn how OneTrust helped Progress build a robust compliance deparment and fostered employee trust.
Customer Story
See how this Southern Veterinary Partners improved third-party risk management and enhanced its security and efficiency.
Customer Story
Learn how Rochester Regional Health creates a patient-centric privacy program with OneTrust third-party risk management solutions.
Customer Story
Multinational sports brand reinvents vendor risk management with collaborative, organization-wide approach.
Identity Access Management & Identity Verification
SecurityScorecard and OneTrust integrate to provide a comprehensive view of third-party cybersecurity posture and automate risk mitigation.
Valence Security and OneTrust have partnered to create a seamless integration between SSPM and TPRM, bridging the gap between risk managers and security analysts.
UpGuard and OneTrust Third-Party Risk Management integrate so organizations have a comprehensive view of third-party risk to help prevent data breaches.
Ingest OneTrust data into Tableau for customized dashboards and analytics to drive insight into the privacy program’s activity and create custom reports.
By using Supply Wisdom and OneTrust together, organizations can get a comprehensive view of third-party risk and take proactive steps to mitigate it.
Together, Dow Jones and OneTrust offer a powerful solution for third-party risk management, enabling organizations to reduce critical vulnerabilities, improve compliance, and build trust.
ISS Corporate Solutions provides cyber risk management solutions that help organizations understand their own cyber resilience and the security posture of their vendors.
File Storage & Sharing
OneTrust integrates with DocuSign to automatically send eSignature envelopes and request attestation of responses from customers and vendors.
Dun & Bradstreet and OneTrust offer a powerful solution for third-party risk management by integrating data and insights to help organizations identify and monitor risks.
RiskRecon integrates with OneTrust to provide organizations with cybersecurity scores and more, which can be pulled on a scheduled basis.
Stay up-to-date on the latest threat intelligence about your organizations third-party vendors by integrating OneTrust with Recorded Future.
The integration between Atlassian JIRA and OneTrust offers a powerful solution for organizations that need to comply with privacy regulations and manage risk.
Integrating OneTrust and BlackKite helps organizations streamline third-party risk assessments while gaining more visibility over technical, financial, and compliance risks.
Integrating OneTrust with Bureau van Dijk and RDC can help organizations to identify and assess risks, including financial, operational, and reputational risks.
The integration between BitSight and OneTrust Third-Party Risk is a powerful tool that can help organizations to manage third-party risk and to protect their data.
The integration with LexisNexis Risk Solutions and OneTrust can help complete consumer requests requirements under the CCPA and other state privacy laws.
Testimonio de cliente
La marca deportiva internacional reinventa la gestión de riesgos de terceros con un enfoque colaborativo en toda la organización.
Testimonio de cliente
La marca deportiva internacional reinventa la gestión de riesgos de terceros con un enfoque colaborativo en toda la organización.
Customer Story
Customer Story
Discover how our Third-Party Management solution helps you assess, monitor, and mitigate vendor risks while ensuring compliance.
Customer Story
See how Amplifon built a robust privacy management system for their global business with OneTrust Solutions.
Customer Story
See how Amplifon built a robust privacy management system for their global business with OneTrust Solutions.
Customer Story
See how the Drax Group uses the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to manage privacy requirements and support growth.
Customer Story
See how the Drax Group uses the OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud to manage privacy requirements and support growth.
Discover how our Third-Party Management solution helps you assess, monitor, and mitigate vendor risks while ensuring compliance.