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The state of trust: Data insights for leadership success

In our exclusive report, we surveyed more than 2500 global business leaders to shed light on the complex landscape of organizational trust. Our data lays out the role of trust in business, demonstrates its undeniable impact on success, and will show you how your organization can thrive

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of execs don’t have proper budget for trust-building initiatives


of execs struggle to align with their board on the issue of trust


of execs struggle to manage trust expectations in their own role


Trust's essential role

In our data-driven landscape, business leaders acknowledge trust’s non-negotiable importance in today's business climate.


of respondents understand the vital role of organizational trust

Who owns trust?

The road to organizational trust is neither linear nor singularly owned. The overwhelming majority of organizations have just a few functions responsible for overseeing the entire business’s trust initiatives.

Navigating this journey is no easy task, with CISOs surprisingly facing the toughest barriers to management buy-in.


of organizations say that 2-3 individual functions are responsible for overseeing trust initiatives


of CISOs experience challenges in getting their trust-related concerns validated by higher management tiers

Budgeting trust

Ensuring organizational trust demands more than just intention; it requires financial backing. Most business leaders have a budget in hand.

But the path is strewn with challenges. In a revealing trend, seven in 10 leaders have to wait for a breach or brand damage before these funds are accessible.


of the respondents have set aside a dedicated budget for initiatives geared towards fostering trust


feel that funds are more readily available post-incident than for proactive, preventative measures


For a deeper dive into the comprehensive data and insights, access the full report here and pave your path towards trust-driven growth

The future of trust

The factors propelling trust are multifaceted. Data from the report sheds light on robust data privacy policies, cybersecurity controls, and a culture of honesty and transparency as the main drivers.

As organizations set their sights on the future, their trust-building agenda is slated to be dominated by enhancing data discovery (22%), bolstering privacy programs (22%), and reinforcing cybersecurity controls (21%).

The trust impact

Trust isn't just an abstract concept; it has tangible repercussions. A significant number of participants acknowledged the detrimental impact on their bottom line due to a lack of trust.

The ripple effects of this trust gap are far-reaching with more than a third experiencing customer disenchantment and anger, and a similar amount facing legal challenges in court.


of respondents acknowledged the detrimental impact on profit margins due to a lack of trust


of respondents experienced customer distrust


of respondents are facing legal challenges in the form of lawsuits

“Trust, as a concept, is generally understood but not always easy to define. Applying the results of this research is a huge help in defining a company’s goals and measuring success at building trust.”

-Catherine A. Tomasi, Director, Chief Privacy Officer | Con Edison

Mapping the path to trust

In this era, trust stands at the core of business operations, shaping outcomes, strategies, and priorities. The numbers make it clear: Trust isn't just a business value — it's a tangible asset and a determinant of success.


Read the report

For a deeper dive into the comprehensive data and insights, access the full report here and pave your path towards trust-driven growth.

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